Wednesday 18 September 2019

Spring Poem

As I am walking  me and the smell going all around the beautiful garden .The pretty butterflies and the amazing bee’s starts to pollinate and making honey.the beautiful and bright yellow sunflowers have intoxicating smells just like the beautiful jasmines.As I walk across the amazing flowers it makes me happy, confident,calming and peaceful. I like the pretty flowers because there beautiful,amazing and colourful.

Image result for spring picturesImage result for spring pictures

Monday 9 September 2019

Spring Acrostic poem

Image result for spring picturesSpring comes and the sun starts to shine bright
People start doing more activities 
Red bright roses start growing bigger and better
I love spring because the sun starts shining bright
Nature gets more colourful
Gentle feelings in spring gets more peaceful
Image result for spring pictures        Image result for spring pictures

Thursday 5 September 2019

Tongan Language Week

I used google draw to create a poster about Tongan Language.

Friday 16 August 2019

Healthy vs non healthy

I used google draw to create a poster about healthy and non healthy food.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

My acrostic poem

Insects have six legs
Nectar is what bees eat because bees like to eat sweet 
Spiders are not insects because they have eight legs
Everyone can find insects in long grass just like crickets and grasshopper 
Caterpillars come out of eggs one at a time 
They can even be harmless to other people

Friday 5 July 2019

Acrostice poem for miss elia

Excellent principal.

Lovable person.

Likable and a very nice principal.

Awesome and shiny gems are like your bright eyes.

Letter for Miss Elia

    Dear Miss Elia thank you for being a good principal to our environment , we are so grateful  for the things you've done for us. These are the things you’ve done for us and the school. Looking after us and  respecting the school because we all know how beautiful you are and how trustworthy you are. I hope you have a nice retirement.Image result for cute thankful picture

Wednesday 1 May 2019


“Yay”.we're going to Spookers and at Spookers, its fun.

At Spooker's, a lady told us to go to the Easter hunt ,when we got there I was so scared because once you walk in there's a dead person on the ground so I screamed “ahhhhhhhhhhhh”.

After the Easter egg hunt we went to the we went to a grass maze I got lost so my parents had to look for me.

Then we went to a forest and it was so scary because it was so dark and I was wondering by myself so I go lost again. I shouted my parents name and that helped them to find me .

Soon we went to get food and we ate lots and lots after eating we went to the park and played in the swing and slides after we had to go home because it was the end of our trip to Spooker's. 
Image result for spookers auckland

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Autumn poem

A beautiful day in autumn with kids jumping in the piles of leaves.
Under the pretty trees with colorful leaves like red,orange and yellow. 
Trees with falling leaves,drinking a cup of tea on a nice cold day.
Undressed clothes like short sleeves and shorts are not the kind of autumn clothes.
Minding my own business on a cold day in the park
Nuts cracking in a nutcracker for the kids to eat   
Image result for autumn leaves



Wednesday 27 March 2019

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is a cute little puppy because they are so fun to play with outside and inside

Thursday 21 March 2019

In class we have been learning about the digestive system.

The first stage of the digestive system is the mouth.
The mouth breaks down the food using our teeth and saliva.

There is a muscle called the gullet that helps the food get pushed into the esophagus. The esophagus is a really long tube that leads to the stomach.

In the stomach there is an acid that helps the food melt to liquid and break the food to even smaller pieces. It takes 4 hours to melt.

Then we have the small intestine that absorbs the vitamins and minerals.

The large intestine is a big fat tube that leads to the rectum. The large intestine absorbs the salt and water.

The rectum is the last step. The rectum gets rid of wastes and all the stuff you don't need.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

my Acrostic poem

In room 9 I wrote an acrostic poem about my name.

Friday 15 March 2019

Digestive System

We have been learning about the digestive system. This slideshow is all about the different organs and what they do.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Food for thought

Guess what!! Yesterday Room 9 went to Pak n Save to learn about healthy food.

Once we got to Pak n Save, we all had to get into groups. We had to look for healthy food and unhealthy food to look at the food labels.

On the food labels we wrote down energy, fat total, fibre, sugar, salt-sodium.

We wrote down how many calories they had. The first isle we had to look at was the vegetable/fruit isle.

Our group had to find the rainbows. We had to write down the colour of the part of the fruit or vegetable we eat.

Once we were done, we had to go back to school. We got given a lunchbox and a $60 voucher to spend on healthy food for our class. I wish we could do it again.

The End

Image result for pak' n save