Wednesday 17 November 2021

Should We Have School Uniforms?

 Should we have school uniforms? 

Anyone who goes to school should know that uniforms are the main school rules for students. For some reasons, some students are against this “rule” and highly think of it as an argument we should speak about.  

People against this rule either can’t afford school uniforms or they think it's a waste of money. Some parents are struggling with money problems and with school uniforms on their list, it'll be more of a problem saving and spending more money on uniforms. Every year students grow out of their uniform, that means they probably need to buy a new set of shirt that cost $30 and pants/skirt or one of each that would cost about $38 or $48 depending on the size and what you would like buying, So parents have to spend more money on uniforms, Parents also need to spend money to buy stationery in order to get their child ready for school. 

On the other hand School uniforms are an essential part of school.  It  represents our school in a more formal way by wearing them.  As for people,  it's also a great thing to wear uniform because it is an easier way to identify which school a person is from.

Alternatively, some students may think school uniforms are uncomfortable and students won’t be able to express their sense of fashion by wearing the same thing over and over again.   


Either way, our outfits don’t control what we think. Every school has Mufti- days where students wear what they like, to school.

Yes,  that is very true, but some schools ask students to pay to be in mufti. Students  bring a dollar to donate. That is also money that is taken away from our homes. 

There are many strong arguments about wearing school uniforms, but in conclusion I agree that keeping our School uniforms would be more professional for education and would be a great way to boost the school’s reputation.

Therefore, if we consider the school as an institution that has a very important role in the community, school uniforms give it that reputation. My group strongly believes and supports the idea of having school uniforms.  

Group Work by Talaofa, Paisha, Ana B and Alyanna

Term 4 Week 5

Questions based on a Balanced Argument

How To Grow Kumara Shoots

Wednesday 8 September 2021

My Lock Down Essentials

 Malo e' lelei 

Today Mr Ferguson told us to post a positive blog about what we like. I like to take walks in the park with my whanau, I also like to watch Netflix with them, hot chocolate is so warm I drink it nearly everyday, every time i'm on my class break I go outside playing with my little brother, we also take our bikes and ride along the path around our neighborhood and I love sleeping!

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Friday 20 August 2021

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Cybersmart - Story board

Today room 10 and I learnt about Story - Boarding.
Its about planing a movie, we made our own but chose some 
clips from the video to draw.
Here mine!

Thursday 3 June 2021

Sunday 30 May 2021

Red Clothes Day At High Cliff School! :)

 Fundraiser - Red Clothes Day at High Cliff school

Week 3 Term 2

Walt: We are learning to write an argument

The student Committee thinks that everyone at our school should help the High Cliff Firefighters raise money to buy gym equipment.

We feel that firefighters do a very important job in our community.

Firstly, firefighters rescue people trapped in burning buildings.

Secondly, they put out fierce bushfires in summer.

Thirdly, they rescue people trapped in cars in road accidents.

Finally, firefighters teach us about how to prevent fires and what to do when there is a fire.

The High Cliff Firefighters need to keep fit so they can do their work properly.

Come to school dressed in red clothes on Friday 21st of May, and donate.

Upholding Others Wellbeing!


Should The School Ban Unhealthy Food!?

 Wednesday 26.05.21

Topic: Should The School Ban Unhealthy Food?

It would be crazy to ban unhealthy food in school. Though we want to eat unhealthy food, we know that we only eat unhealthy food on special occasions. 

Firstly, if our school bans unhealthy food then there is still no point in banning “why?” you ask well because students will just sneak the unhealthy food in class or eat it during morning tea and lunch. Also, teachers/principals use unhealthy food for fundraisers. So how can we prevent that??? 

Well we students still need to treat ourselves to something we love and that is “FOOD”, so if teachers give us treats like fish n chips that can fill us up then students won’t have to sneak unhealthy food during class and playtime. 

Furthermore, we asked others from our school questions, we asked our friends, teachers, and family if unhealthy food should be banned. We asked several people and mostly they said “No”. Except for the other teacher in our class. We respect all answers but we don’t agree that unhealthy food should be banned. 

In addition to that our class say’s “No, we shouldn’t ban unhealthy food”. If we ban unhealthy food then when we celebrate our birthdays or our success we’ll have vegetables for rewards and fundraisers we’ll have vegetables. Plus we students still need to treat themselves!! So stuff what your teacher says and eat junk! (but only a little) because it's your school too!!!

In conclusion, we say no to banning unhealthy food because we are allowed to! 

Friday 16 April 2021

Ana's, Measurement - Area - Perimeter

Measurement - Perimeter and Area

Work out the perimeter and area using the dimensions given in the table below. Follow the example given by your teacher.




Example: L =  9 cm

                W = 8cm

Perimeter =( L + W) x 2

=  (9 cm + 8 cm) x 2

=  17 cm + 2 

= 34 cm

Area = L x W 

= 9 cm x 8 cm

= 72  sq cm

  1. L = 12 cm 

W = 9 cm

L + W x 2

=  12 cm + 8 cm) x 2

= 50  cm + 2 

=  100 cm

L x W 

= 12 cm x 8 cm

= 96   sq cm

  1. L = 9 cm 

W = 6 cm

L + W x 2

=  9 cm + 6 cm) x 2

= 54 cm + 2 

=  108 cm

L x W 

= 9 cm x 6 cm

= 54   sq cm

  1. L = 15 cm 

W = 12 cm

L + W x 2

=  15 cm + 12 cm) x 2

= 180 cm + 2 

= 360  cm

L x W 

= 15 cm x 12 cm

= 180   sq cm

  1. L = 20 cm 

W = 7 cm

L + W x 2

=  20 cm + 7 cm) x 2

=  54 cm + 2 

=   108 cm

L x W 

= 20 cm x 7 cm

= 140  sq cm

  1. L = 16 cm 

W = 8 cm

L + W x 2

=  16 cm + 8 cm) x 2

= 48  cm + 2 

=  96 cm

L x W 

= 16 cm x 8 cm

= 120  sq cm

Thursday 25 March 2021

The Bush Walk

 Once upon a time, there was a  little girl named lily. She had amazing friends named Rose and Ana. They asked if she wanted to join them on the bush walk At 12.00. The girl went packing for the bushwalk. I went out with my colorful sparkle bag. I packed my yummy food, strong fly spray, spare clothing and hats, money for the bus, my phone and a first aid kit if I or my friends get hurt, OOh, and a flashlight.

I can't believe they are already there. It is 11.52 so they are 8 minutes early!!!!!!!.

I went out of the bus and said thank you for the ride. I saw my friends already packed for the trip. I told them we should start exploring now. All of the girls stopped eating, got their phones and cameras out and started to take some beautiful and delicate pictures of the birds.3 hours later the girls sat down and said I'm hungry. Their tummies were grumbling like a monster roaring in the wild.

We got our food out. Rose and ana found out that they had no more food cause they ate it all so lily had to share her food with them. After they packed up, They started to walk a little bit further. They even found squirrels, butterflies, possums and Hives full of bees. The girls said that they were very tired now.

So the only thing that they can do is go home. The girls split in their direction, Lily went on a bus, Ana got picked up from her dad and rose went in a taxi. When lily arrived home she said hi to her mum and dad and then started to laminate the amazing picture that all the pictures that the friends took. I put all of them on a book and then went to sleep dreaming about doing it again.

What is the meaning of "Diversity!"


Monday 22 February 2021